Being gay and understanding gender

Often people around you will figure out you’re gay long before you. It can be a struggle figuring out not only if you are gay but if you want to be gay. Some people are railroaded down the straight path out of guilt, fear, or sadly shame.

But being gay is definitely nothing to be ashamed about. It’s to be embraced and celebrated. Gay or straight it’s about being happy with who you are so you can live your best life.

This little video from Our Gay Planet is a nice summary of some of the things you might be thinking about if you’re a little unsure of your sexuality.

Are you gay?

Understanding sexuality

Of course, it’s often not as simple as gay or straight. It can be a lot more complex. We came across this excellent course that helps you understand genders and the difference between sex, gender, and sexual orientation.

In the video course, you can explore the world of gender with all its beauty and complexities. It dives deep into the gender spectrum to help you understand how to navigate it effectively. We highly recommend it for everyone. Select or click the image to be taken straight to the course.

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Author: erotica23