Spicing up your sex life

A few weeks back we wrote about some ways to reignite the spark in your relationships.

We’re diving a bit deeper into some of the suggestions from that post.

We’ve already written about the importance of

Don’t be scared

Sex is an essential aspect of a healthy and happy relationship. However, when you have been with your partner for some time, it can become routine and lose its spark. If you feel that your sex life has become dull, it is crucial to take steps to re-ignite the excitement. Here are some tips to inject excitement back into your sex life.

Experiment with new techniques and positions

Trying out new techniques and positions is an excellent way to add some excitement to your sex life. Start by researching online or getting inspiration from adult magazines or films. Make a list of some positions or techniques you are both interested in trying and experiment with each one, even if one or two of them seem a little daunting. You might find that some positing or techniques that don’t seem appealing on paper could be more fun in reality.

Explore each other’s bodies and erogenous zones

The human body is full of sensitive parts, so it is essential to explore each other’s body and focus on the erogenous zones. Take turns exploring each other’s body, touching, kissing, and caressing each other while keeping an eye on each other’s body language to identify what they’re receptive to. You may also use some sex toys that can add some extra pleasure.

Try some fantasies

Fantasies can be an excellent way to inject excitement back into your sex life. Discuss with your partner fantasies that interest you or that you want to act out. You may also ask your partner to share their fantasies and use them as inspiration to add some excitement to your sex life.

Step out of your comfort zone

Sometimes, stepping out of your comfort zone can add a little spice to your sex life. Consider trying out things that you have never done before, such as having sex in a different location, role-play or trying out some light bondage. It is important that both you and your partner converse and express to each other about the things that make you feel safe for a consensual and enjoyable experience.

Communication is key

The key to injecting excitement back into your sex life is to communicate with each other. Keep in mind that trying out new things may take some time and effort, and that’s normal. Don’t evaluate yourself during or after these experiences. The more open you both are, the more intimacy it creates, and the more you explore each other’s desires, the safer you both will feel, and it will inevitably lead to a more fulfilling sex life. Try to be open and adventurous while keeping in mind that communication, respect, and consent are key elements to a healthy and exciting bedroom experience.

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